Breast augmentation surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves the insertion of either silicone or saline breast implants to enhance the size, shape, and contour of the breasts. Plastic surgeons commonly perform this type of plastic surgery, and it is popular among patients seeking to improve their appearance. The type of implant used depends on the patient’s individual needs and preferences. During breast augmentation surgery, the surgeon will make an incision in either the crease under the breast, around the areola, or in the armpit area to place the implant. Once placed, the surgeon will fill the implants with either silicone or saline, depending on the type of implant.
Recovery time for a breast augmentation procedure can vary from patient to patient but typically includes some degree of discomfort, swelling, and soreness near the incision site for up to 2 weeks. Patients usually experience minimal scarring after their breast augmentation surgery as well as improved self-confidence due to their enhanced figure.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

A surgeon performs this procedure by placing either silicone or saline breast implants, depending on the patient’s individual needs and preferences. The benefits of undergoing breast augmentation include increased self-confidence due to an enhanced figure, improved balance of body proportions, and an improved overall silhouette. A breast augmentation procedure can help improve self-esteem and confidence levels as well as provide a more youthful look.
Increased Self-Confidence
Breast augmentation can provide an increase in self-confidence due to the enhanced figure that it provides. The procedure can help balance out body proportions and provide a more youthful look by increasing the size of the breasts and improving their overall shape. By adding breast tissue, the patient’s breasts will be more full, giving them a natural look. The improved size and shape can also give the patient more confidence in clothing choices and how they present themselves to others. With increased self-confidence comes less anxiety about how one looks and greater acceptance of oneself, which can lead to an overall improvement in mental health.
Improved Quality of Life
Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that helps women achieve fuller, more shapely breasts. During the procedure, the surgeon will place either silicone or saline breast implants to increase the size, shape, and contour of the breasts. This can help improve body proportions and give a more youthful look overall. The surgeon can also use breast augmentation in conjunction with a breast lift procedure if the patient wants to raise saggy breasts.
When undergoing breast augmentation, patients should understand what will happen to their chest muscles and natural breast tissue during surgery. During surgery, the surgeon will not alter or move the chest muscles. However, the surgeon may temporarily shift the natural breast tissue to place the implant correctly. This will depend on each individual case, and you should discuss this with your surgeon prior to beginning treatment.
Breast augmentation can also help improve the appearance of unevenly sized breasts or help reshape them after weight loss or pregnancy. It can also help enhance your overall silhouette by providing an improved balance of body proportions with larger breasts being balanced by narrower hips and vice versa. Depending on how much volume increase you desire, some patients may opt for fat transfer instead for a more natural look as it uses existing fat cells.
Positive Impact on Body Image Perception
The positive impact of breast augmentation on body image perception is highly dependent on the individual patient and their desired implant shape and size. By choosing an experienced plastic surgeon in Naples, patients will receive an aesthetically pleasing result with minimal discomfort. Through discussing goals and expectations with a board-certified plastic surgeon, individuals can be more confident in their decision to have breast augmentation or other types of breast reconstruction surgery. When patients feel comfortable with the shape, size, and placement of the implants, they are likely to have a more positive outlook on their body image following surgery. Furthermore, when the breasts are reshaped through augmentation or reconstruction surgery, it may positively affect patients’ self-confidence and overall satisfaction with their appearance.
Enhanced Physical Appearance
Breast augmentation can enhance a patient’s physical appearance by providing a more balanced and improved silhouette. Through the use of silicone or saline implants, patients can increase the size and shape of their breasts to create a more proportionate figure. Additionally, patients have the option of using natural breast augmentation, when the surgeon uses existing fat cells to provide a more natural look and feel. Furthermore, breast augmentation will not damage the pectoral muscle or surrounding breast tissue as it is left untouched during surgery. With these options, patients can achieve an enhanced physical appearance while also feeling confident in their decision due to minimal discomfort associated with the procedure.
Improved Structural Balance to the Body
Breast augmentation can help improve structural balance in the body by providing increased breast size and volume. This can improve overall body proportions and create a more aesthetically pleasing look. Many women opt for breast augmentation because it can help correct unevenly sized breasts or reshape them after weight loss or pregnancy. Through this cosmetic procedure, the patient’s breasts can become fuller and more symmetrical, thus improving the body’s balance. Additionally, with an experienced plastic surgeon in Naples, patients can achieve their desired implant shape and size for maximum aesthetic appeal. Ultimately, through breast augmentation, many women have been able to achieve a more balanced physique, which helps them feel better about their bodies.
Risks of Breast Augmentation
It is important to understand the risks associated with the procedure before deciding to undergo breast augmentation. You should discuss these potential risks with a board-certified plastic surgeon in Naples, FL, who has experience performing the procedure. Common risks of breast augmentation include infection, capsular contracture, asymmetric results, implant leakage or rupture, loss of sensation in the nipples, and complications from anesthesia. Any patient considering this surgery should weigh all potential benefits and risks before committing to a surgical plan.
Complications During Surgery
When considering breast augmentation in Naples, FL, patients should choose a board-certified plastic surgeon for the procedure. During the initial consultation, patients should inquire about the surgeon’s experience performing breast surgery and their technique for implant placement. They should also choose an implant type that fits with their desired shape and size as well as any medical considerations. Complications can occur during surgery due to incorrect placement of the implants or damage to surrounding tissue. To avoid potential complications during surgery, a qualified plastic surgeon should be hired who will provide adequate pre- and post-operative care.
Side Effects of Anesthesia
Anesthesia fees can be one of the more expensive components of a breast augmentation procedure, and patients should understand the potential side effects of anesthesia. Common side effects include drowsiness and nausea after the procedure as well as possible itching, sore throat, or hoarseness due to the breathing tube used during surgery. Additionally, patients may experience muscle aches and headaches after being administered anesthetic drugs. Patients should discuss these potential side effects with their medical team prior to undergoing surgery so they can take appropriate measures to reduce them if necessary.

Changes in Sensitivity in Breasts and Nipples
Breast augmentation can cause changes in sensitivity in the breasts and nipples. During the healing process, some patients may experience a decrease in sensation in their upper body due to the breast crease incision used during surgery. This decreased sensation usually lasts for several days after surgery. However, this is a normal part of the healing process and should diminish over time. Additionally, some patients may experience an increase in the sensitivity of their breasts and nipples following breast augmentation due to hormone changes that occur with the procedure. Patients should discuss these potential changes with their cosmetic surgeon prior to undergoing breast augmentation so they can be prepared for any possible side effects that may arise after surgery.
Adverse Reactions to Implants
When considering breast augmentation in Naples, Florida, it is important to have a conversation regarding the choice of implants for the procedure. There are two commonly used types of implants: silicone and saline-filled implants. Silicone implants are made up of a silicone shell that is filled with a cohesive gel or form-stable material, like the gummy bear implant. You should discuss the size and type of implants you desire with your cosmetic surgeon prior to surgery to ensure long-term satisfaction with your results. Both types of implants have the potential for adverse reactions. For example, silicone gel implants can occasionally leak or rupture, while saline-filled implants may become wrinkled or deflated if not correctly placed during surgery. Therefore, patients should choose their implant type and size carefully to minimize any potential complications after surgery.
Potential Long-Term Health Issues Such as Ruptures and Leaks
When considering a breast augmentation procedure, patients should consider the potential long-term health issues associated with implants. The type, size, and placement of the implant can all play a role in how successful and safe your results are. For example, silicone gel implants are more likely to rupture or leak than saline-filled implants due to their softer consistency. Additionally, larger implants may put more strain on the skin and surrounding tissue resulting in increased risks for rippling or wrinkling. Therefore, patients should choose an experienced plastic surgeon who can properly place the implant to minimize any potential long-term risks associated with breast augmentation surgery.
Breast Augmentation Frequently Asked Questions

How Is the Recovery Process After a Breast Augmentation
The recovery process after a breast augmentation in Naples, Florida, will vary depending on the type, size, and placement of the implant. Generally speaking, most patients experience minimal discomfort after surgery and can resume their normal activities within a few days. During the initial healing period, patients should avoid any strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting as this could put additional strain on the breasts and cause complications with healing. Additionally, you should discuss any specific instructions with your plastic surgeon prior to undergoing breast augmentation surgery so you can follow the proper guidelines for a successful recovery. Depending on the type and size of implants used as well as your body’s healing rate, it may take up to 6 weeks for incisions to completely heal and for swelling to subside. Always follow all post-operative instructions from your plastic surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery process with your desired results.
Cost of Getting a Breast Augmentation in Naples, Florida
The average cost of breast augmentation in Naples, Florida, can range anywhere from $2,500 to $10,000 depending on the type of implant used and the surgical technique. Factors such as body type, breast shape, and the complexity of the procedure can also affect the cost of breast augmentation. Additionally, most plastic surgeons typically offer a free consultation, so patients can get detailed information about their options before deciding which procedure is right for them. Ultimately, you should discuss all relevant topics with your plastic surgeon during your consultation to determine an accurate price estimate for your desired outcome.

What Are Before and After Photos?
Before and after photos will give you an idea of what to expect from breast augmentation surgery. These photos typically show the results of the procedure on a patient in the days, weeks, or months following a successful surgery. You can compare your starting point to realistic expectations of your final outcome. Remember that each person’s body is unique, and results will vary depending on factors such as age, skin type, and lifestyle choices. However, these before and after photos can give you an idea of how your body may look after a breast augmentation procedure.
* Each patient is unique and individual results may vary.
Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consultation Today
To learn more about breast augmentation, contact the Aesthetic Surgery Center in Naples, FL at (239) 420-8503 to book a consultation appointment with one of our talented plastic surgeons to talk about the breast augmentation price. We believe that educating and communicating clearly with patients are the keys to helping them achieve successful, natural-looking results.
1175 Creekside Pkwy, Suite 100, Naples, FL.